King of the Hill Wiki

Mr. Terkelson is the school's special education teacher at Tom Landry Middle School. He only appears in the episode No Bobby Left Behind when he evaluates Bobby, Joseph, Dooley, Clark Peters, Lori and the other students.


Mr. Terkelson is a Caucasian man with short brown hair. He wears a button-up dark green sweater over a light green dress shirt and black pants.


He treats them like they're preschoolers including having a sharing paper crown for someone who shares, asking them questions about how the clown feels and even his classroom looks like a preschool classroom. Hank tries to talk to him about Bobby leaving his class but he refuses. After the log flume ride incident on the field trip to Alamo Land with the honor roll students, Mr. Terkelson finally comes to his senses and has all of his students study for the standardized test that was coming up in two weeks. After the students took the test, Bobby, Joseph, Dooley, Clark Peters and the rest of the special needs students were free to go back to their regular ed classes.
